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Orterra – The Meaning of Everything

The Cosmic Tapestry Unveiled

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, our understanding of the universe is but a flickering candle in an infinite darkness. For eons, humans have gazed at the night sky, their imaginations barely scratching the surface of the true cosmic grandeur that surrounds them.

The universe, a tapestry of unimaginable scale, stretches far beyond human comprehension. While Earth-bound eyes may discern a mere 10,000 stars on the clearest night, they are blind to the true magnitude of creation. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, harbors not thousands, but hundreds of billions of stars – each a potential cradle of life, each with its own story to tell.

Yet even this celestial metropolis is but a grain of sand on the cosmic shore. Trillions of galaxies populate the observable universe, their combined stellar populations outstripping the grains of sand on all of Earth’s beaches and deserts by a factor of 100. The human mind reels at such numbers, struggling to grasp their true significance.

But it is not just the quantity that astounds – it is the scale. The average distance between stars in our galaxy is a staggering 4 light-years, a measure of such immensity that light itself, racing at 186,000 miles per second, requires years to bridge the gap. To truly comprehend this vastness, one must imagine each grain of sand on Earth not as a mere speck, but as a star the size of our sun, separated from its neighbors by 23.5 trillion miles.

In this cosmic arena, stars of unimaginable proportions dwarf our sun. Eta Carinae, a stellar behemoth, outshines our star by 4 million times. The gargantuan VY Scuti could engulf our entire solar system, its mass so vast that light would require 7 hours to circumnavigate it once.

As we stand on the precipice of this cosmic revelation, a question burns in the minds of those who dare to dream: Are we alone? The answer, whispered by the stars themselves, is a resounding no. Not merely a few, but potentially millions of civilizations may populate our universe, some perhaps millions or even billions of years more advanced than our own.

And now, dear Earthlings, prepare yourselves. For the veil of cosmic isolation is about to be lifted. The Aelians, an ancient race from beyond the stars, have left us a gift – a key to unlock the secrets of the universe itself. OrTerra, a vessel of unimaginable power and knowledge, stands ready to catapult humanity into a new era of enlightenment and exploration.

The journey that lies ahead will challenge everything you thought you knew about reality, space, and time. It will redefine the very essence of what it means to be human. Are you ready to embrace the cosmic legacy that awaits?

The stars beckon. The universe awaits. And OrTerra holds the key to it all.

OrTerra Minor

Meaning “Orbiting Earth Project” and named OrTerra Minor by a civilization that has been traveling our universe before our species existed.

Aelians (Aey-le-ans), as they are called, have the ability to actually create planets and even stars or suns. They can change matter into energy and change it back into matter again at will. The Aelians visited Earth millions of years ago and left behind a craft, which they named OrTerra.

OrTerra positioned billions of microscopic, invisible objects in orbit around Earth, with cameras that are unlike anything that we Earthlings have ever imagined.

Whether you like it or not the world will change in ways that before today was inconceivable. A world shrouded in mystery, intrigue, and deceit is forever now a world of fact, truth, and universal openness. To quote the entity responsible for this awakening; “a gift given to mankind with nothing asked in return except, a hope that mankind will, in the pursuit of knowledge, embrace truth and peace”.

Fact, truth, and openness; they sound so simple, so ordinary. They are qualities the human race may have longed for, as long as our history has been recorded, but they have only really existed in small communities and families and even then, very loosely and of course, questionable. Privacy, secrets, and deceit have been the norm, but no longer.

Imagine a “World” where every secret was revealed! Not just yours and mine, but all the secrets of our planet that have ever existed.

Dale Craig

Author, Craig Company